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در رادیو kpfk شنیدم که امروز پنج شنبه ساعت ۳ بعداظهر به وقت کالیفرنیا برنامهای یک ساعته راجع به کشتار زندانیان سیاسی در شهریور ۱۳۶۷ به زبان انگلیسی پخش میشود و هفتهی آینده قسمت دوم آن پخش خواهد شد. به نظرم دانستن آنچه گذشت شدیدا "حق مسلم ماست". همهی ما که به خاطر سانسور شدید خبری و یا شاید ترس بزرگترانمان از حکایت واقعه، گوشهای از تاریخ سرزمینمان را نادیده گرفتیم. اصرارم به شنیدن و دانستن این واقعه تنها و تنها به این خاطر است که نگذاریم چنین حوادثی تکرار شود. لطفا بدون تعصب و پیشداوری تنها یک ساعت از وقتمان را به این مهم اختصاص دهیم. این هم سایت kpfk، رادیو "انتفاضه" که میتوانید بعدا برنامه را پیگیری کنید. با امید دوستی، محبت، صلح و تساهل و تسامح و احترام به عقاید یکدیگر... بازمجبور شدم از نازخاتون قبلی برای پخش خبر استفاده کنم. پوزش فراوان! Radio Intfiada Voices from Kolkata to Casablanca Voices of Struggle; Voices of Change [Intifada = Shaking off - oppression/struggle] Thursday 5/17/2007, 3pm Iran: The 1988 Massacres of Political Prisoners; How and Why? In 1988 the Iranian government summarily and extrajudicially executed thousands of political prisoners held in Iranian jails. The government has never acknowledged these executions, or provided any information as to how many prisoners were killed. The majority of those executed were serving prison sentences for their political activities afer unfair trials in revolutionary courts. Special Guests: Azizeh Shahmoradi is an Iranian political and Human Right activist in Diaspora. In 1984, she ws arrested along with her husband and their 18-month-old son by Islamic Security forces at their home. In 1988 she was condemned to death by whipping for being an atheist. Azizeh was ultimately released in 1989. Jafar Yaghoobi was born in the city of Tabriz, Iran in 1950. He traveled to US in 1973 to attend graduate school at the University of Calornia in Davis. He returned to Iran in 1979. He joined Organization of People's Fedaee after returning to Iran. In 1984, he was arrested along with 100's of other activists across Iran. He survived that mass killing and was freed into house arrest in Tehran in 1989. Iraj Mesdaghi was arrested in 1981 in relation to Iranian Mujahedin. In 1982 he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. He was finally released in 1991 and in 1994 illegally left Iran with his wife and 25-day-old son. Last year he published a 300-page collection of poems about the 1988 prison killing. Mehdi Aslani, an Iranian activist, was a member of Organization of Iranian Fedee when he was arrested during the second half of 1984. Mehdi spent close to 5 years in confinement. He was released in 1989 and left Iran in 1997. He currently lives in exile in Germany. Pante Bahrami was an activist in Iran when she was arresetd in 1981. She was held as a political prisoner for four years and released from prison in 1986. She has since obtained her PhD in Journalism from the University of Dortmund and has done extensive research in comparison of the identity of women in Iran before and after the Islamic Revolution. ***Tune in at the same time next week to listen to the next installment of this program. We willl be addressing the reponse of the International Human Rights community, remembering some of the fallen, and discuss the families of the deceased and those of the survivors.*** This program was produced and hosted by members of the SWANA (South Asia, West Asia and North Africa) Collective of KPFK. We wish to extend our gratitude to all the persons whose cooperation made this proram possible, namely Parvin Moussavi, who helped in production, Lucy Der-Tavitian, the narrator, and to others who dedicated countless hours of research and hard work to make this progarm a reality. This program was edited and engineered by Meliza Figueroa. ![]()
"مسابقهی عکاسی/ Paris-Match/ بزکشی در افغانستان" در وبلاگ جدیدم.دوستان اگر مايل بوديد، آدرس جديد وبلاگم را جايگزين آدرس قبلی کنيد. با سپاس
"دل من آوارهست که سر ماندن يک جايش نيست می رود گاه به اوج میزند سر به فلک در به در کوچه به کوچه ز فضا میگذرد..." خداحافظ ![]()
اين ويدئو همين الآن به دستم رسيد. وحشتناکه. حملهی يک شير به مربیاش در يک باغوحش در تهران. اورژانسی که حتما تو ترافيک گير کرده و ۴۵ دقيقه دير میرسد و پليسی که حتما مشغول تذکر به بدحجابان بوده و توی این ۴۵ دقیقه نيست که کاری بکند. باتونهای شوکدهنده که اصلا برای کارهای مهمتری قراره استفاده بشوند و اصلا ضرورتی ندارد که توی یک باغوحش پیدا بشوند. امکانات کم. پايان غمانگيز برای سلطان جنگل! انشاالله همه چيز به حول و قوهی الهی درست میشود. "الحمدالله چيزی نشده"!!! "خواهران بيرون"!!!
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